Following is one exhibitor’s list of things to do a week before a show.
So, what’s the week before a
show like for those of us who insist on attending these events? Here’s
a typical to do
list. We’re not crazy—no, not
at all!
Sunday before the show
- Clean all cages: 6 rat, 7 mouse = 5 hours
- Check over all rats and mice for scabs, broken toenails, any signs of illness, mites, lice, etc. (21 rats, 18 mice).
Choose those to bring to show = 2 hours
- Fill out and mail in entry form = 45 minutes
- Clean cages containing animals going to the show = 1½ hours
- Bathe and trim toenails of rats who will be shown: 6 rats = 1½ hours
- Recheck animals going to show = 45 minutes
- Make pedigrees for litters of rats going to show to be picked up by new owners = 2 hours
- Make signs advertising mice for sale = 20 minutes
- Clean cages of all animals going to show = 1½ hours
- Re-wash tails, check toenails, touch up dirty coats on rats going to show = 1 hour
- Fill bottles with water and put in freezer (summer show!) = 15 minutes
- Recheck animals going to show = ½ hour
- Make last minute decisions on substitutions, animals not going = ½ hour
- Clean carrying cages, fill with bedding and food = 1 hour
- Search out and pack water bottles = 15 minutes
- Pack show paperwork, show boxes, pedigrees, signs, jacket = 20 minutes
- Gas up car = 15 minutes
- Make lunch if House Mouse Café is not open = 15 minutes
Saturday: Show Day!
- 5:30 A.M. Get up
- 6:30 A.M. Put animals in carriers, load into car, get lunch and
frozen water bottles, put in cooler and load. Don’t forget bag with pedigrees, etc.
- 7:30 A.M. (Late) Leave for show
- 8:05 A.M. Arrive at show, unload car.
- 8:30 A.M. Help unload show stuff, sales table, etc. Set up show
benches, unpack sales items, help hand out exhibitors rental show boxes
- 10:30 A.M. Show starts!
So how much preparation goes into showing rats and mice? Well, by my count it’s about
19 hours (that’s in addition to working a 40-hour week for most
of us). What do we get for it? If we are lucky, a few ribbons or maybe
a trophy (as well as many hours of quality
time with our critters). We’re not nuts, no way, not us!

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