This article is from the WSSF 2010 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Cathleen Schneider-Russell
Written by Debbie Ducommun
Published by T.F.H. Publications, Inc.
Copyright 2008, 143 Pages
ISBN-10: 0793806518
ISBN-13: 9780793806515
This marvelous new book by Debbie Ducommun The Rat Lady
is the truly ultimate
must have for pet rat guardians.
The first chapter is a most wonderful history lesson and it is full of really interesting information about our rattie darlings. In the second chapter, Debbie most professionally answers the question, how smart are rats?
The additional chapters cover all phases of training. Debbie’s fun methods are explained beautifully, with a step-by-step process which is easy to understand and follow. Also included are detailed instruction diagrams for how to construct the various types of equipment. The gorgeous pictures are very helpful and most enjoyable.
The book concludes with a complete index, a fabulous resource section, and an awesome rat intelligence test!
FYI: If you would like to purchase a personally autographed copy of this beautiful book, you may contact Debbie at:
I highly recommend this totally fantabulous book!