This article is from the WSSF 2015 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Karen Robbins
Written by Barbara Cairns
Copyright 2014, 48 pages
America Star Books, Frederick, MD
ISBN 978-1-63448-691-0
This is a simple basic “Did You Know?” book written for young kids. It is about the life of Nimh, a Dumbo rat bought to be a program rat for a state park in Florida, during the age of 4 weeks to 4 months. It is written from the perspective of the rat telling the story. The book covers the different kinds of pet rats, training, cages, diet, treats, toys, water, bedding, sex differences in regards to personality, difference between hamsters and rats, and lots of rat facts such as rat curiosity, sense of smell, natural grooming, rat tails (though it says they have bare tails rather than the very short hairs on their tails), etc.
It is available from
Amazon in paperback form for $12.99. [Ed. note: price has changed]