This article is from the WSSF 2007 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Hattie McRattie
Written by Carol A. Himsel, D.V.M.
Published by Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.
Copyright 2002, 95 Pages
ISBN: 0-7641-2012-3
Rats is a most comprehensive compilation of primarily basic and some intermediate reference information on the pet rat. Rats is not Dr. Daly’s first book by Barron’s, but is an updated version, wherein she acknowledges the many people who have had praise for her prior publication and made several suggestions for this revision.
Dr. Daly has packed 93 pages with good, solid information, sketches, and beautiful photography. The book is written so that anyone can understand her meaning. You will not find one paragraph that isn’t overflowing with rat wisdom. I had but one disagreement, she mentions pine as a suitable bedding for your pet. Since I don’t know if she meant pine shavings OR kiln dried pine pellets, we will have to wait for her next revision.
A must have
for every first time rat owner to keep in their rat library! Also, a great book just to
keep on hand for any rat owner to use as a quick reference resource.
You can find this little gem in pet shops and on line. Your local
book store may be able to order it for you. This book is of the quality
you have come to expect from BARRON’S.