This article is from the WSSF 2012 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Karen Robbins
Alesa Loftis, Facebook
QOne of the rats that I bought is looking like she is pregnant
(getting very plump). The pet shop told me she
might be pregnant, and I took her anyway so I could
adopt babies out rather than them being sold for food. She is acting
very nervous and staying in her nest box most of the time except
to eat or look around occasionally. Right now, she seems to
be going from being really bashful and staying in her box, to active
and eating and looking around, to lying outside the box really
still. She is grooming a lot too. I used to breed hamsters, and I
have looked up what little I can find on ratties who are pregnant
but I am concerned about her being so reclusive. Let me just note
also that she seems healthy in every other way and has been cuddling
with the other female in her cage. She is not nipping or biting
or showing aggression when I hold her. She just seems
nervous. I purposely got two females because I did not want to
breed, but I now want to make sure I care for her properly. And I
am sad for her because she is young and has not had long to really
bond with me yet cause she’s so nervous. Any advice is welcomed
Update: I have had her 15 days now and no babies but she is still nervous and tries to jump from my hand when I get her out. However, I am talking to her a lot and I get her out for short periods of time and let her roam in the secure room I have for their exercise and play. She doesn’t come back to me as readily as the other one does, but, she does not run and hide, so that is good.
ASounds like you probably do have a pregnant rat and she should be having them soon. That is unfortunately a common problem with rats purchased from some pet shops. We have an article with photos on what a pregnant rat looks like just before she has her kids For more info on pregnant and nursing rats, see the following articles:
Aggressive Female
Nutritional Requirements in Rats
Large Litter of Rat Babies
Rat Breeding: Part 1 Biology
Yes, getting bred that young is very hard on females. Hopefully she won’t have very many and will be able to care for them. Some first-time moms that are very young when having their litter are overwhelmed and won’t take care of the babies. You can give her nesting material (I give mine shredded napkins) and some extra nutritious goodies. She will also need additional calories after the litter is born. A nest box isn’t necessary for them to have their babies in (some females will become overly protective if they have a house), that way you can monitor them without having to disturb the nest. Unlike hamsters, you will be able, and are encouraged, to handle the babies to socialize them to people.
With the timid one, you may want to have her spend more time
with/on you by having her with you in a chair or other small area
when you have her out rather than just letting her run free in a big
room. Also, giving treats every time you visit and talk to them and
have her out with you will help a lot.