An Environmental Awakening
With the world becoming more environmentally aware, products meeting those demands are becoming more common. One of these is a product called Gentle Touch™. Made from aspen bark, 100% biodegradable, and made without chemicals, perfumes or additives, this all natural pelleted bedding is meeting the demands of environmentally aware consumers.
With the buildup of ammonia as the leading cause of respiratory problems in small pets, Gentle Touch™ is the recommended product of choice by breeders, veterinarians, laboratories, and pet owners. Odor and liquid are virtually eliminated as Gentle Touch™ absorbs twice its weight in ammonia and three times its weight in water, thereby reducing the large amounts of shavings or clay products consumers currently use for their pets.
Gentle Touch™ has been tested and proven over other products by top breeders,
veterinarians, laboratories, and pet owners and may be used for any type of pet
needing dry and odor-free surroundings.
Use for cats, rabbits, rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, hedgehogs, ferrets, birds, reptiles, dogs, horses or any other animal needing dry and odor-free surroundings.
If you want the best for your animal, for yourself, and for the environment, ask for Gentle Touch™!
Available in Cat Box Filler (smaller pellet) or Pet Bedding (larger pellet) and 3 sizes:
.25 cu. ft. (8lb), .625 cu. ft. (23lb), and 1.25 cu. ft. (45lb)
For a distributor near you please call:
Gentle Touch™ Products (402) 332-0253
Breathing Silica dust can cause silicosis, a progressive, sometimes fatal lung disease, and may cause cancer.
The vast majority of animal litters used today are clay or clay based (i.e. diatomaceous earth). Clays are composed primarily of silica, (SiO) and the dust from these products contains crystalline silica. Silica dust has been linked to at least two critical health problems: silicosis, a progressive, sometimes fatal lung disease, and cancer. The consumer should be pleased to know that governments are starting to do something about warning the public of these dangers.
On November 4, 1989, California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 65, commonly referred to as the consumer protection act, consumer product warning label act, etc. As part of this program, California now requires that consumer products containing clay and diatomaceous earth in the form allowing dust generation, will have to carry a warning label. Under #12601,b4,A; WARNING: “THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS SILICA, KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER” would be the warning appropriate to clay and diatomaceous earth products.
It does not take large amounts of clay dust to create a problem. New U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA standards for silica containing dusts have been established at 0.1 percent milligrams per cubic meter. Based on manufacturer’s data, a typical clay absorbent contains approximately 0.1 percent dust by weight. Do not forget that we are talking about dust in the air which is very light material. It does not require much weight to create a respectable dust cloud.
Calculations show one 10-pound bag of clay litter at 99.9% dust free includes 4 grams of silica dust. Four grams is enough to contaminate 40,000 cubic meters of space or 100 average homes. If evenly distributed, the quantity of silica containing dust would require each person in the area to wear a dust mask in order to meet work place health standards.
To add to the problem, recently introduced lines of pet litters, which promote “ball up when wet,” are merely ultrafine silica dust. Many pet stores are now experiencing a backlash of consumer complaints because of the fine dust and tracking. Veterinarians and breeders have also reported severe health problems to the extent that cats have, in fact, lost their eyesight as a result of contact with these products.
Fortunately, there are emerging safe, healthy alternatives to clay and clay-based litters. Gentle Touch™ is an all-natural aspen bark pellet, 100% biodegradable, and made without chemicals, perfumes, or additives.
With the buildup of ammonia as the leading cause of respiratory problems in small pets, Gentle Touch™ is the recommended product of choice by breeders, veterinarians, laboratories, and pet owners. Odor and liquid are virtually eliminated as Gentle Touch™ is superb in odor control and absorbs three times its weight in water, thereby reducing the large amounts of shavings or clay products consumers currently use for their pets.
Gentle Touch™ has been tested and proven over other products by top breeders, veterinarians, laboratories, and pet owners and may be used for any type of pet needing dry and odor-free surroundings.