By Liz Fucci
- Wire coat hanger
- Pliers
- Large-blade screwdriver
- Screen cage top, ¼" mesh or larger
- Cut a 1½ ft. to 2 ft. length of wire (it can be broken to proper length by rapidly bending back
and forth).
- Use a bottle as a template for loop size; “tie” the wire into a loop, pull both ends until loop is proper size.
- Hold loop in place with pliers; bend “legs” at point where wire crosses. (Fig. 2)
- From loop, measure legs to about ½ bottle length; bend legs at right angles backwards,
away from loop. (Fig. 3)
- With about ½″ of leg ends, make hooks. (Fig. 3)
- Cut (or break) two 2″ lengths of wire. Make hooks as shown. (Fig. 4)
- Locate a spot at convenient place on screen top. Use screwdriver blade to enlarge one or two mesh
holes to fit spout of bottle. (Fig. 5 & 5-A)
- Position loop of bottle holder over hole. Let hooked-ends of legs go through mesh. Hold in place and
turn screen upside down. (Fig. 6)
- Using pliers, bend hooks until they firmly grip the mesh. (Fig. 7)
- With the two small 2″ hooks, fasten forward ends of legs, at bend, to the screen top. (Fig. 8 & 8-A)
- Insert bottle through loop, fitting spout into hole in mesh. (Fig. 9)
NOTE: This arrangement is not suitable for baby rats, unless an access-platform is made for them.
- ELIMINATES - chewed bottle; cost of store bought hangers; the need for using cumbersome tin-cans
to protect bottles; water slopping from piled-up shavings and bottle jiggling.
- Makes watering fast and easy; creates more usable space in the cage; can use any size bottle; rats
adapt instantly; it is ideal for use with single-occupant tanks.
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