American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association

If you are entering Regular Classes, use the E-MAIL SHOW ENTRY BLANK

For help on entering, see How to fill out an AFRMA Entry Blank

One person per entry blank. One Class/Entry per line
Submit additional forms as needed

Use your tab key or click in the fields to move to each field
You may copy and paste between fields. Do not use ditto marks.

Do not press the ENTER or RETURN key!

Include OS or RR/RM number in front of animal’s name if from a registered breeder, e.g. “OS01 KK2064-A”

Name or No. Description Class Adult
Birth Date
Bred By/Stud Name

All exhibitors/sellers must submit an Exhibitor/Sellers Form with each show. Send to

On the FINAL page/form you send, please list the GRAND TOTAL of Entries/Rent Boxes/Sales Sticker/Booth Space and Total Amount Due for ALL your pages/forms.

Total Entries Members (ALL forms): x $2 = $
Total Entries Non-Members (ALL forms): x $3 = $
Rat Rent Boxes (ALL forms): x $2 = $   Mouse Rent Boxes (ALL forms): x $2 = $
Member Sales Sticker: None     One show ($10)      Yearly Sales Sticker ($30)
Booth Space: None     Member ($20)      Non-Member ($40)      Submit your Booth Space form

Method of payment*: PayPal  PayPal Amount Due: $  More Entries

PAYMENT OF ENTRIES: Payment for all entries must be received by the deadline along with your Exhibitor/Seller’s Form and list/peds of any sales animals.

Additional Comments: (list sales animals here and send copy of ped./BC to

YES! I WANT TO HELP... Set-Up Hand Out Show Boxes Clerk Trainee
Steward Trainee Sales Helper Sell Drawing Tickets
Photo Helper Clean Up Show Boxes Clean Up

The following fields with a * are required fields.

Name*:   Date*:
City*:   State*:   Zip*:
Phone*:   E-mail address*:

Exhibitor*: Youth (age)    or Adult      AFRMA Member*: Y    N

PLEASE READ ALL RULES AND SCHEDULE!! Even though we health check all animals, please be
aware you are showing at your own risk. Quarantine your animals after the show for a minimum of
4–12 weeks!
[Effective September 15, 2018]

In making this entry, I do hereby release any and all persons connected with AFRMA, this show,
grounds, or premises, from any and all responsibility, liability, illness, pathogens, injury, or damages to myself,
animals, or equipment. I understand rodents can carry a variety of diseases and am showing at my own risk.

If under 18, Parent Name:

Before sending this form, you should print it for your records.
After you press SEND, you should get a screen thanking you for sending your entries, payment details (PayPal), etc.
If you do not get the “Thank You” screen, then your e-mail didn’t go through
and you will need to print this form to a PDF and save file (OR in Firefox you can right mouse click, "Take Screenshot," save full page, download, save the file),
then attach your PDF file (or screenshot file) to an e-mail and send to the Show Secretary.