American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association

AFRMA Show Results for 2023 Rats
February 4 ANNUAL FANCY SHOW & PET SHOW: 69 entries
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Best In Show (11)RR11 BWR 2F8Agouti Essex StandardNicole Housel
Standard (11)RR11 BWR 2F8Agouti EssexNicole Housel
Self (2)RR11 BWR 2F3MinkNicole Housel
Marked (9)RR11 BWR 2F8Agouti EssexNicole Housel
Best Brood Doe (15)RR11 BWR 1C7Silver Black hvy. Dalmatian StandardNicole Housel
Best Stud Buck (5)RR11 BWR D50SBSilver Black Dalmatian StandardNicole Housel
Eval (6)not placed (NP)  
Most Affectionate Adult (6)OSO1 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Biggest Adult (2)OS01 KK2401-C Simon, 02-01-22Cinnamon AOC RexIrina Zabula
Curious Rat Adult (5)OSO1 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Most Laid Back Adult (5)OS01 KK2401-D Daniel, 02-01-22Cinnamon tiny spot chest RexIrina Zabula
Best Pet Adult (7)OS01 KK2354-C Philip, 06-11-20Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Most Unusual Markings Adult (1)OSO1 KK2404-B Orion, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Rat Race Adult (6)OSO1 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
May 27 SPRING FANCY SHOW & PET SHOW: 65 entries
Best In Show (12)RR11 BWR 2F3Mink Self StandardNicole Housel
Standard (12)RR11 BWR 2F3Mink SelfNicole Housel
Self (5)RR11 BWR 2F3MinkNicole Housel
AOC (2)RR11 BWR 2F1AgoutiNicole Housel
Marked (5)OS01 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22Black BerkshireIrina Zabula
Best Brood Doe (9)RR11 BWR 3H1Black Self StandardNicole Housel
Best Stud Buck (2)RR11 BWR 2F3Mink Self StandardNicole Housel
Eval (6)not placed (NP)  
Most Affectionate Adult (5)OS01 KK2401-C Simon, 02-01-22Cinnamon AOC RexIrina Zabula
Biggest Adult (2)OS01 KK2401-C Simon, 02-01-22Cinnamon AOC RexIrina Zabula
Curious Rat Adult (9)OSO1 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Most Laid Back Adult (5)OS01 KK2401-D Daniel, 02-01-22Cinnamon tiny spot chest RexIrina Zabula
Best Pet Adult (5)OS01 KK2402-E Elijah, 02-07-22Pearl AOC StandardIrina Zabula
Most Unusual Markings Adult (1)OSO1 KK2404-B Orion, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Rat Race Adult (9)OSO1 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
November 11 FALL FANCY SHOW & PET SHOW: 73 entries
Best In Show (29)RR11 BWR 2F3Mink Self StandardNicole Housel
Standard (27)RR11 BWR 2F3Mink SelfNicole Housel
Self (11)RR11 BWR 2F3MinkNicole Housel
AOC (10)RR11 BWR 2A3CinnamonNicole Housel
Marked (6)RR11 BWR 070523 E7BBlue Agouti EssexNicole Housel
AOV (2)RR11 BWR 062123 E7CChocolcate EI SatinNicole Housel
Eval (2)not placed (NP)  
Best Brood Doe (8)GANG(F1#110f104-70)Black Self StandardAylett Priest
Best Stud Buck (10)RR11 BWR 052423 D5GSilver Black hvy. Dalmatian StandardNicole Housel
Most Affectionate Adult (4)OSO1 KK2404-B Orion, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Biggest Adult (3)OS01 KK2401-C Simon, 02-01-22Cinnamon AOC RexIrina Zabula
Curious Rat Adult (4)OS01 KK2401-C Simon, 02-01-22Cinnamon AOC RexIrina Zabula
Most Laid Back Adult (4)OSO1 KK2404-C Ulysses, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Best Pet Adult (4)OSO1 KK2404-B Orion, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Most Unusual Markings Adult (1)OSO1 KK2404-B Orion, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula
Rat Race Adult (4)OSO1 KK2404-B Orion, 04-04-22Black Berkshire StandardIrina Zabula

Rat Stud Names 2023

BWR=Black Wolf Rattery/Nicole Housel
GANG=The Cheerio Gang/Aylett Priest
KK=Karen’s Kritters/Karen Robbins

Official Studs/Registered Ratteries

OS01: KK=Karen’s Kritters/Karen Robbins
RR09: JRPR=Jozzy’s Rat Pack Rattery/Jozzette & Mike Hagemann
RM10: TRIL=Trillium Fancy Mice/Linda von Hanneken
RR11: BWR=Black Wolf Rattery/Nicole Housel

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Updated May 15, 2024