This article is from the WSSF 2017 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Karen Robbins
Kayla West, Facebook
Q I was just curious if I entered my rats in one of your shows, what would be required for entering
and what would be the best examples for best in show? What qualities should they have and not have?
A Requirements for entering an AFRMA show depends on which class was entered. If it is a pet class, then the temperament, health, and condition would be judged along with the pet class feature (see the pet classes for descriptions on what each class is judged on). Pet classes are fun classes and a good place to get started showing and to find out if your rats would qualify for a show class. If it is a show class, then the rat must meet the standard it is being judged on.
Regarding qualities they should not have, you can see some type flaws in the Rat Type Issues–Judging 101
page. We also have several ID Rat Colors
notes on the Facebook page
that would be helpful for those needing help on what color their rat is.
Rats competing for Best In Show (BIS) must be in top condition and meet or exceed their standard and have good to excellent type.
All entries to AFRMA shows are made ahead of time through our online entry system along with payment. All rats are health checked the morning of the show, the ones that don’t pass cannot be shown that day, so exhibitors pay close attention to their animals prior to the show so they don’t get disqualified at health check.
The 2017 Rat Color Standards book is now available! This has 8 more pages than the last book and 63 new photos! Order yours from the
AFRMA Web site. Non-U.S. orders contact AFRMA for shipping to your country.