This article is from the WSSF 2016 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Karen Robbins
Breanna Dillon, NY, Facebook
Q If I wanted to change my rattery name, how would I go about doing that?
A To change your rattery name, just let us know the new name. Check to make sure it is not being used or has been used by checking our Rattery/Mousery names page, Ratster, NARR, and other club listings [NFRS Registered Names or], Facebook breeders, etc. Some people will use their name or state as part of their Rattery/Mousery name. Just remember to not use a name or initials that have already been used. Since it is more common to ship rats/mice around the country, lines are being spread around so it is even more important that names and initials are unique to each breeder. Names/ initials are what is listed in front of an animal’s name on a pedigree or when shown. When breeders use the same name/initials, then any rat/mouse with that name/initials will not be known as to the exact breeder they came from. Not many breeders will have a list on each pedigree of what each name/initial means or the breeder’s name/location so someone looking at a particular pedigree wouldn’t know who bred the rat. If the name is short enough, some people will just use the whole name rather than initials.
Karen Robbins, Editor
October 24, 2016 On this date in 1901 (115 years ago), the first class for fancy rats was held
at the Aylesbury 12th Annual Town Show, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, by the Aylesbury Fanciers Society. Rat judge
was W. Maxey. There was one class: Rats Any Variety. Best In Show was a Black and White Even Marked owned by Miss Mary
Douglas and comments from the judge were
good size, shown in lovely trim.
General comments on the show rats: The
Rats were a great attraction, and as there are no pens to provide, show committees could add an extra attraction to
their shows by including a Rat class in their schedule.
Oct. 31, 1901, Fur & Feather, England.