This article is from the WSSF 2016 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Karen Robbins
Cassi Anderson, Facebook
Q Is there a good video somewhere of a rat at a judging table, being handled, etc.?
A Jeannot T. Maha’a did a short video at our June 27, 2015, show of the judging of a B.E. Siamese rat in the Unstandardized class. We also have photos of our many shows on the Facebook page. The Midlands Rat Club in England has videos of some of their shows, but they don’t really show the judging. The RatsPacNW group has a video of their April 2, 2016, show that shows some of their judging.
And for mouse judging, check out the National Mouse Club (NMC) in England’s video of their
Annual Cup Show on September 24, 2011. For older videos of mouse
shows and judging, see the series from the 1980s on Private
Jack (Ernest John) Hartley, Stretford, Manchester, the Mouseman of Britain.