This article is from the WSSF 2014 AFRMA Rat & Mouse Tales news-magazine.
By Karen Robbins
Mandy Dabrowski, Facebook
QDo you know of any mouse and rat owner clubs or
groups that meet in the Chicago area?
AYou can try the various forums, Yahoo/Google/Meetup/ Facebook groups, etc., to see if there is a specific Chicago group. There is a club in Illinois, the American Rat Club [Ed. Note: club dissolved 10-8-16] that has Naperville as the mailing address. They have one show a year for rats in Michigan.
Kimmy Chagnon, Facebook
QI am a complete novice when it comes to mice, however,
I just acquired a young male fancy mouse. I am
extremely interested in this whole new world of mouse
shows. My little guy, Atlas, is just from a pet store, but his colors
and attitude are spectacular! To enter any kind of show, must a
mouse be from a known breeder or is pet store mouse
just as
recognizable in the ring?
AAny mouse may be shown in AFRMA irregardless of
where it came from. The pet classes are judged on the
mouse’s personality/temperament rather than type/color
like the show classes. AFRMA’s various pet classes are listed on
our AFRMA Pet Show Classes
If you are not sure if your mouse would qualify
for a show class, you could have him looked at the morning of a
show that you have him entered in pet classes to see if he would
qualify for a show class at the next show.
If you are in another part of the country, you would need to see
what your local club offers as far as pet and other classes and if
they have any requirements on what can/cannot be shown.