AFRMA Rat & Mouse Links - “Ratty” & “Mousey” Sites;
- Abby Roeser - a PA rat fancier
that trains rats using a clicker with several YouTube videos
- Agility & Obedience - from Estelle Sandford, Alpha Centauri
Stud, in England
- Agility Training and
Training Your Rat - from the North of
England Rat Society (N.E.R.S.)
- Amazing Animal Tricks on - a
Canadian rat fancier that trains rats using a clicker with YouTube videos by
- Die Schlaumäuse - an Austrian mouse fancier that trains mice. Also, has
several YouTube videos at The World’s Smartest Mice and
MouseAgility’s older channel.
- Rat Agility
from the Czech Fancy Rat Club
- Rat Trixs - by Esther Minic-Rosenthal with trick training and agility
- AGORAT - AGORAT OF DOMESTIC RAT is a website that translates articles for
French-speaking rat owners
- Blackthorn Stud - A British web site of Sarah Yeomans
with information on Dutch, Silver Fox, and Marten Sable mice; archive page
- Bucky Goldstein’s G.W. Deer Mouse Ranch - information on deer mice,
white footed mice, and other wild species of mice as pets
- Crittery Exotics - U.K. site with information on exotic species of
rodents kept as pets
- Eva’s Mouse Page and
Eva’s Rat Page (has
several very good articles on aggression and temperament in rats on the
Rat Articles page) - The web site of Eva Johansson
in Sweden (pages in Swedish). With information on other exotic animals such as Octodon degus, Spiny Mice, Zebra mice, and Praomys
natalensis (a.ka. Common African Rat, Natal Rat, Soft-Furred Rat, African Soft Furred Rat, Multimammate Rat/Mouse,
odor-free mouse). Also has articles on Rat Agility. (archive pages)
- The Spruce, Pets - with articles on Rats and Mice
- Fancy Mice - A British web site of Cait McKeown
(now Walgate), Humbug Stud, with lots of information on mice. (archived page, some of the photos missing)
- FancyRatsWiki
- Hawthorn Rat Varieties - An archived U.K. web site of Toyah Leitch,
Hawthorn Rattery, Scotland, with list and info of U.K. colors,
markings, and fur types.
- Introduction to
The Rat Race - Has information on
Rattus rattus,
rats in general, as well as
items for sale
- JoinRats - explores the pet rat-human relationship.
- Lab-o-Rats - a French web site with rat genetics, drawings, color
swatches, articles, etc.
- Matmor - a Norwegian fancier with articles on
“Aggression in fancy rats”,
“An illuminating article on the effects of light
on rats”,
and others.
- Ratlala - A French web site on pet rats. Has an extensive genetics section.
- Ratster - Rat Breeder Prefixes and Initials
- Ratoupédia - A rat encyclopedia for
French-speaking rat owners; archive page
- Ratz: Rat Health Care & Information - has several articles on rats
from Estelle Sandford, Alpha Centauri Stud, in England
- Books/Magazines/Calendars
- Avonside Publishing, Ltd. - animal calendars from the U.K.
- Brown Trout Publishers -
Rat and other small animal calendars, books, and more.
- Fur & Feather - The Official Journal
of the British Rabbit Council. Britain’s best-loved small livestock magazine. There are monthly
features on mice, hamsters, cavies, chinchillas, gerbils, rats, and ferrets. Also has books for sale.
- T.F.H. Publications and Nylabone Products - World’s largest
publisher of ASPCA approved pet and animal books.
Updated March 5, 2025