These pages are to give you a visual representative of the different types of bedding offered for small animals. AFRMA is not endorsing any bedding type.
Pine Shavings Toxic to small animals. |
Cedar Shavings Toxic to small animals. |
Aspen Shavings Hardwood. |
Sani-Chips® Hardwood cube-cut aspen chips by P.J. Murphy. |
Shredded Aspen Hardwood. |
Gentle Touch™ Pelleted aspen bark made byGentle Touch Products. Read Critique: Gentle Touch or Bedding Bonanza |
Chip® Virgin, debarked Maple, Beech, Birch or Poplar, individually or mixed hardwood chips from Nepco. |
You can read more about these beddings at
Critter Critiques: An Unscientific Look At Bedding,
The Bedding Dilemma, Part 1,
and The Bedding Dilemma, Part 2.
Go to paper beddings, misc. beddings, pelleted beddings, enrichment/nesting products..