For more mouse genetics, see the
AFRMA Mouse Genetics book, the articles on the Info Pages, and the article
Mouse Keeping: Linkage..
See the AFRMA Mouse Color Standards book
and the Standards pages for photos.
Go to Fancy Mouse Genes, Agouti-based Colors,
Fancy Mouse Genes, Black-based Colors,
Fancy Mouse Genes, Marked Mice, or
Fancy Mouse Genes, Coats & Misc. for breakdowns.
See also Fancy Mouse Genes, Genetic Code Listing for breakdowns by genetic code.
A | |
Agouti | AA or Aa (i.e. A–) |
Agouti: Blue | AA dd |
Agouti: Blue: pink-eyed | AA dd pp (Argente Creme) |
Agouti: Dove | AA bb dd (Blue Cinnamon) |
Agouti: white belly | Aw (Aw gene causes white or yellow bellies; a.k.a. AL light-bellied Agouti) |
Albino | cc (covers up the actual color/marking so can be either an agouti-based or black-based color; a.k.a. P.E. White) |
Argente | A– pp |
Argente: Blue | AA dd pp |
Argente: Champagne | AA bb pp |
Argente: Dove | AA bb dd pp |
Argente Creme | Aat cchcch pp or AA cchcch pp or AA dd pp (pink-eyed Chinchilla) |
Astrex | ReRe |
B | |
Banded | Wshwsh |
Beige | aa B– cece or aa bb cece |
Belted | btbt |
Black | aa |
Black: dominant | Eso |
Black: extreme | aeae |
Blue | aa dd |
Blue Agouti | AA dd |
Blue Cinnamon | AA bb dd (Dove Agouti) |
Blue: pink-eyed | aa dd pp (Silver) |
Brindle | Avy– (Avy gene causes stripes in color; Viable Yellow gene) |
Brindle: Sex-linked | Mobr (causes mottling/stripes in color; a.k.a. X-Brindle or English Brindle) |
Broken Marked | ss |
Broken Merle | rounroun ss |
C | |
Caracul | Ca– |
Champagne | aa bb pp (P.E. Chocolate) |
Chinchilla | Aat cchcch |
Chinchilla: Blue | Aat cchcch dd (Squirrel) |
Chinchilla: Lemon | ci (ci gene has a more pronounced influence on phaeomelanin diluting the intense yellow pigment characteristic of C/C genotypes to a pale ocherous yellow color, bordering on a lemon tint; has very little if any affect on black pigment) |
Chinchilla: pink-eyed | Aat cchcch pp (Argente Creme) |
Chocolate | aa bb |
Cinnamon | A– bb |
Cinnamon: Blue | AA bb dd (Dove Agouti) |
Coffee | aa cece |
Color Point Beige | aa cech |
Cream: black-eyed | Ay– B– cchcch (chinchillated Fawn) |
aa bb cchc dd (chinchillated Dove) |
Cream: ruby-eyed | Ay– bb cchcch |
Cream: pink-eyed | Aya cchcch pp or
Aya dd pp or aa bb cchcch dd pp (chinchillated Dove) |
D | |
Dove | aa bb dd (chocolate blue, dilute Chocolate) |
Dove Agouti | AA bb dd (Blue Cinnamon) |
Dove: pink-eyed | aa bb dd pp (Lavender) |
Dutch | ss |
E | |
Even Marked | ss |
F | |
Fawn: black-eyed | AyA or Aya (Ay–) (Ay gene changes agouti color to all yellow; called Agouti Yellow or Lethal Yellow) |
Fawn: pink-eyed | Ay– pp |
Fox | at– cchcch or atat cece |
Fox: Beige | atat B– cece or atat bb cece |
Fox: Black | atat cchcch |
Fox: Blue | atat cchcch dd |
Fox: Chocolate | atat bb cchcch |
Fox: Coffee | atat B– cece or atat bb cece |
Fox: Dove | atat bb cchcch dd |
Fox: Ivory | atat B– cec or atat bb cec |
Fox: Reverse Siamese | atat B– cece or atat bb cece |
Frizzie | frfr (Bonnie Walters’ code; there are other recessive and dominant curly genes) |
Frizzie Long Hair | frfr ll or frfr gogo |
Frizzie Satin | frfr sasa |
Frizzie Satin Long Hair | frfr ll sasa or frfr gogo sasa |
Frizzled/Fuzzy | fzfz (a.k.a. Rex in the N.M.C.) |
G | |
Gold: black-eyed | Ay– |
Gold: pink-eyed | Ay– pp |
H | |
Hairless | hrhr |
Hairless: rhino | hrrhhrrh |
Head Spot | hshs |
Hereford | wnwn or ss |
Himalayan | aa chc |
Himalayan: Agouti Point | AA chc or Aa chc |
Himalayan: Blue Point | aa chc dd |
Himalayan: Chocolate Point | aa bb chc |
I | |
Ivory | aa B– cec or aa bb cec |
L | |
Lavender | aa bb dd pp (P.E. Dove) |
Leaden | lnln |
Lilac | aa pp (P.E. Black) |
Long Hair | ll or gogo |
Long Hair Satin | ll sasa or gogo sasa |
M | |
Merle | rounroun (causes solid patches on a roaned background) |
O | |
Opal | dd ee |
Orange | B– ee, bb ee, Ay–, Aya pp |
P | |
Pearl | aa sisi |
R | |
Reverse Siamese | aa B– cece or aa bb cece |
Red | Ay– bb |
Rex | fzfz |
Roan: recessive | roro |
Roan: dominant | Rn– |
Rumpwhite | Rwrw |
S | |
Sable | Ayat U–, Aya, Ayat |
Sable: Blue | Ayat dd U– |
Sable: Chocolate | Ayat bb U– |
Sable: Dove | Ayat bb dd U– |
Sable: Marten | Ayat cchcch U– |
Satin | sasa |
Siamese: Agouti Point | AA chch or Aa chch |
Siamese: Blue Point | aa chch dd |
Siamese: Chocolate Point | aa bb chch |
Siamese: Dove Point | aa bb chch dd |
Siamese: Seal Point | aa chch |
Siamese Sable | aa cchch |
Siamese Sable: Blue | aa cchch dd |
Siamese Sable: Marten | atat cchch |
Siamese Sable: Smoke Pearl Marten | atat cchch dd |
Silver | aa pp (P.E. Black) or aa dd pp (P.E. Blue) |
Silver Agouti | AA cchcch |
Silver Agouti: pink-eyed | AA cchcch pp (Argente Creme) |
Silver Black | aa sisi |
Silver Blue | aa dd sisi |
Silver Brown | AA sisi |
Silver Chocolate | aa bb sisi |
Silver Fawn | AyA sisi |
Silver Grey | aa sisi |
Splashed | Tg– |
Spotted Tan | Aat ss, at– ss, (plus color genes) |
Spotted Tan: Banded | Aat Wshwsh,
at– Wshwsh (plus color genes) |
Spotted Tan: Broken Merle | Aat rounroun ss,
at– rounroun ss (plus color genes) |
Spotted Tan: Hereford | Aat wnwn, at– wnwn (plus color genes) |
Spotted Tan: Rump White | Aat Rwrw, at– Rwrw (plus color genes) |
Spotted Tan: Variegated | Aat Ww, at– Ww (plus color genes) |
Squirrel | cchcch dd (Blue Chinchilla) |
T | |
Tans | atat |
Tan: Agouti | Aat |
Tan: Argente | Aat pp |
Tan: Black | atat |
Tan: Blue | atat dd |
Tan: Champagne | atat bb pp |
Tan: Chocolate | atat bb |
Tan: Cinnamon | Aat bb |
Tan: Dove | atat bb dd |
Tan: Lilac | atat pp |
Tan: Pearl | atat sisi |
Tan: Roan | atat roro |
Tan: Silver | atat pp or atat dd pp |
Tan: Silver Black | atat sisi |
Tan: Silver Grey | atat sisi |
Tan: Splashed | atat Tg– |
V | |
Variegated | Ww or Ss Ww |
Varitint-waddler | Va– (gene causes a tri-colored coat, deafness, and circling defect) |
W | |
Waltzers | vv |
White: pink-eyed | cc (albino; covers up the actual color/marking so can be either an agouti-based or black-based color) or cece pp or cec pp or chch pp or chc pp. Note: extremely diluted P.E. Self colors or a P.E. Marked with all markings bred off can look like a P.E. White |
White: black-eyed | cec, Ay– cece, A– B– cec, cece ee, ss, Ww, ss Ww |
Note: Capital letter=dominant genes unless otherwise noted; lower case letter=recessive genes
“–” means that either the dominant or recessive allele could occupy that space without affecting the outcome
Note: Lilac U.S. = Dove U.K. (P.E. Black), Dove U.S. = Lilac U.K. (Chocolate Blue or Dilute Chocolate)