American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association

Fancy Mouse Genes, Alphabetical Name Listing

Agouti-based Colors

For more mouse genetics, see the AFRMA Mouse Genetics book, the articles on the Info Pages, and the article Mouse Keeping: Linkage.
See the AFRMA Mouse Color Standards book and the Standards pages for photos.

Go to Fancy Mouse Genes, Alphabetical Name Listing for a complete list.

Go to Fancy Mouse Genes, Black-based Colors,
Fancy Mouse Genes, Marked Mice, or
Fancy Mouse Genes, Coats & Misc.

See also Fancy Mouse Genes, Genetic Code Listing for breakdowns by genetic code.

A  B  C  D  F  G  H  O  R  S  T  W

Agouti-based Colors
AgoutiAA or Aa (i.e. A–)
Agouti: BlueAA dd
Agouti: Blue: pink-eyedAA dd pp
(Argente Creme)
Agouti: DoveAA bb dd
(Blue Cinnamon)
Agouti: white belly Aw (Aw gene causes white or yellow bellies; a.k.a. AL light-bellied Agouti)
Albinocc (covers up the actual color/marking so can be either an agouti-based or black-based color; a.k.a. P.E. White)
ArgenteA– pp
Argente: BlueAA dd pp
Argente: ChampagneAA bb pp
Argente: DoveAA bb dd pp
Argente CremeAat cchcch pp or AA cchcch pp or AA dd pp
Blue AgoutiAA dd
Blue CinnamonAA bb dd
(Dove Agouti)
BrindleAvy (Avy gene causes stripes in color; Viable Yellow gene)
ChinchillaAat cchcch
Chinchilla: BlueAat cchcch dd
Chinchilla: Lemonci (ci gene has a more pronounced influence on phaeomelanin diluting the intense yellow pigment characteristic of C/C genotypes to a pale ocherous yellow color, bordering on a lemon tint; has very little if any affect on black pigment)
Chinchilla: pink-eyedAat cchcch pp
(Argente Creme)
CinnamonA– bb
Cinnamon: BlueAA bb dd
(Dove Agouti)
Cream: black-eyedAy– B– cchcch
(chinchillated Fawn)
Cream: ruby-eyedAy– bb cchcch
Cream: pink-eyedAya cchcch pp or Aya dd pp or
aa bb cchcch dd pp (chinchillated Dove)
Dove AgoutiAA bb dd
(Blue Cinnamon)
Fawn: black-eyedAyA or Aya (Ay) (Ay gene changes agouti color to all yellow; called Agouti Yellow or Lethal Yellow)
Fawn: pink-eyedAy– pp
Gold: black-eyedAy
Gold: pink-eyedAy– pp
Himalayan: Agouti PointAA chc or Aa chc
OrangeB– ee, bb ee, Ay, Aya pp
RedAy– bb
SableAyat U–, Aya, Ayat
Sable: BlueAyat dd U–
Sable: ChocolateAyat bb U–
Sable: DoveAyat bb dd U–
Sable: MartenAyat cchcch U–
Siamese: Agouti PointAA chch or Aa chch
Silver AgoutiAA cchcch
Silver Agouti: pink-eyedAA cchcch pp
(Argente Creme)
Silver BrownAA sisi
Silver FawnAyA sisi
Squirrelcchcch dd
(Blue Chinchilla)
Tan: AgoutiAat
Tan: ArgenteAat pp
Tan: CinnamonAat bb
White: pink-eyedcc (albino; covers up the actual color/marking so can be either an agouti-based or black-based color) or cece pp or cec pp or chch pp or chc pp. Note: extremely diluted P.E. Self colors or a P.E. Marked with all markings bred off can look like a P.E. White
White: black-eyedcec, Ay– cece, A– B– cec, cece ee, ss, Ww, ss Ww

Note: Capital letter=dominant genes unless otherwise noted; lower case letter=recessive genes

“–” means that either the dominant or recessive allele could occupy that space without affecting the outcome

Note: Lilac U.S. = Dove U.K. (P.E. Black), Dove U.S. = Lilac U.K. (Chocolate Blue or Dilute Chocolate)

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Updated September 26, 2021