The following are the rat AOC colors as recognized by the American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association. (Any Other Color; are genetically Agouti-based colors and Pearl; see Fancy Rat Genes: Agouti-based colors and Fancy Rat Genes for genetics. See also the series of Rat Genetics articles.)
AOC have no white and have more than one color on the hairs.
General AOC Faults – Faded or rusty color; mottling or shading of color; light underparts, except where otherwise noted; white feet.
General AOC Disqualifications – White spot on the body; white on the tail.
See the Standards book for additional details on each color.
For complete details of these Standards including points, faults, and disqualifications, please refer to the AFRMA Show Regulations & Standards book.
Note: The pictures on this page are not meant to be true representatives of the animal’s color. Because of differences in monitors (CRT/LCD) and how the monitor is adjusted, the colors may be different. Seeing in person is always best.
Agouti Blue Agouti Chinchilla Cinnamon Cinnamon Pearl Fawn Lynx Pearl Russian Blue Agouti
AGOUTI - The color to be a rich chestnut with dark slate at the base of the hair.
Coat is evenly ticked with black guard hairs. Belly color will be silver gray.
Eye color is black.
Agouti rat owned and bred by Paul Threapleton/Sue Foulds, England. Photo ©2004 Craig Robbins. For more photos, see the AFRMA Facebook pages:
AFRMA articles: |
BLUE AGOUTI - Color to be medium slate at the base of the hair with a yellow-tan
band on top. Coat is evenly ticked with blue guard hairs. Belly color will be silver blue.
Eye color is black. (Mary Ann Isaksen/Rat’s Gym)
[Standardized October 10, 1993] Note: is Blue + Agouti Blue Agouti Standard rat owned and bred by Nicole Marlin. Photo ©2015 Karen Robbins. Read the article Difference Between Mink and Blue Agouti Rats |
CHINCHILLA - Color is similar to the agouti, but the color is to be a silver
gray with medium slate at the base of the hair. Coat is evenly ticked with black guard hairs. Belly color will be
light silver gray. Eye color is black. (Geri Hauser)
Note: At the present time all Chinchillas come in Berkshire and most have very nice Berkshire or Blaze Berkshire markings; original ones came from pet shop in Riverside, CA, September 27, 1986; originally called Silver Agouti [Standardized March 18, 1989; name change from Silver Agouti to Chinchilla June 8, 1996] Chinchilla Blaze Berkshire rat at an N.F.R.S. show. Photo ©2004 Karen Robbins. Further Reading: (from the N.F.R.S. web site) “Breeding the Chinchilla” See photo from 1987 of original U.S.A. Chinchilla male Foxy(were called Silver Agouti originally), owned by Debbie Abbott. He was found in a pet shop in Riverside, CA, September 27, 1986. |
CINNAMON - Color is similar to agouti, except the color is a warm russet
brown, with medium slate at the base of the hair. Coat is evenly ticked with chocolate. Belly color to be as agouti,
but of a lighter shade. Eye color is ruby or black.
Note: is Agouti + Mink Cinnamon rat owned and bred by Paul Threapleton/Sue Foulds, England. Photo ©2004 Craig Robbins. For more photos, see the AFRMA Facebook pages:
AFRMA articles |
CINNAMON PEARL - Coat to consist of three bands of color from the base up – cream, blue, orange, with silver guard hairs, to give an overall golden appearance with a silver sheen.
Belly color pale silver gray. Eyes black. (English N.F.R.S.)
Note: is Agouti + Mink + Pearl Cinnamon Pearl rat owned and bred by Mayumi Anderson. Photo ©2005 Karen Robbins. For more photos, see the AFRMA Facebook pages:
AFRMA articles: |
FAWN - Color is a rich, golden orange, as deep as possible. Belly color will be of a slightly
lighter shade. Eye color is dark ruby.
Note: is a ruby-eyed Agouti Fawn rat owned and bred by Karen Robbins. Photo ©2005 Karen Robbins. Read the article Beige/Champagne vs. Fawn/Amber Rats, a.k.a. Black Colors vs. Agouti Colors |
LYNX - Color to be a gray-tan with light slate at the base of the hair. Coat
is evenly ticked with mocha guard hairs. Belly color to be light silver gray-tan. Eye color is dark ruby. (Geri Hauser)
Note: At the present time most Lynxes come in Berkshire; came out of Chinchilla breedings and most have very nice Berkshire markings [Standardized September 8, 1990] Lynx Berkshire rat owned by Julie Klaz. Photo ©2000 Karen Robbins |
PEARL - To be palest silver, shading to creamish undercolor. Each hair to
be delicately tipped with grey evenly over the whole animal. Belly fur pale silver grey. Foot color to match
top. Eyes black. (English N.F.R.S.)
Note: Needs Mink/Lilac to show the color; is a dominant lethal gene Pearl rat owned and bred by Karen Robbins. Photo ©2007 Karen Robbins. For more photos, see the AFRMA Facebook pages:
AFRMA articles:
Research article: “Mink and Pearl: New Color Mutants in the Norway Rat” R. Robinson. Journal of Heredity, Volume 85, Issue 2, 1 March 1994, Pages 142–143. |
RUSSIAN BLUE AGOUTI - Color is dark steel blue at the base of the hair with a fawn band
on top. Coat is evenly ticked with dark blue guard hairs. Belly color will be silvery blue. Eye color is black.
[Standardized February 21, 2009] Note: is Agouti + Russian Blue Russian Blue Agouti rat owned and bred by Mayumi Anderson. Photo ©2012 Karen Robbins. For more photos, see the AFRMA Facebook page: |
For complete details of the Standards including points, faults, eliminations, and disqualifications, please refer to the
AFRMA Show Regulations & Standards book.
Purchase the AFRMA Official Color Standards Rat book.